Desoldering with High Power


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” -Charles Darwin.

In a fast paced ever changing world, those that don’t change are doomed to go the way of the dinosaur. Customers are now demanding faster technology, updated features, and an overall better user experience.   

To meet the customer demands and expectations, we’ve improved on two handpieces to our already powerful desoldering station, the FR-410. We’ve improved the FR-4101 desoldering handpiece (gun style) and the FR-4102 desoldering handpiece (pencil style) by adding a quick-change mechanism, which makes changing out the desoldering nozzles much easier and faster.  The quick-change mechanism eliminates the need to unthread, then thread back on the enclosure nut when removing the nozzle, which is a common process you’ll find with other desoldering tools in the market.  With this new feature, customers have found the maintenance process has become much easier and faster, resulting in less downtime when performing maintenance on their desolder tools. 

The main station of the FR-410 remains largely the same, with its 140 watt high-power desoldering capability, easy-to-read display, and three user programmable presets just to name a few.  The 140 watt high power capability of the FR-410 make it excellent for desoldering components on multi-layer circuit boards, including those with difficult to reach, tight, narrow areas thanks in part to a wide selection of nozzles to choose from. The station has improved features to make it easy to use, including an Anti-Clog Function (ACF), a clogging indicator on the display, a 0.2 second vacuum delay to help prevent clogging, and even comes with its own tool kit to help operators keep the desoldering tool running smoothly. 

HAKKO C5046 Nozzle Quick Changer

The new C5046 Nozzle Quick Changer has also been released. This is a new accessory for the desoldering tools, allowing the user to store up to 3 different nozzle shapes to be able to change from one nozzle to the next nozzle, all with a single twist motion using the quick change feature.  The C5046 is compatible with the FR-4103, FR-4104, and the FR-301.

The quick change mechanism is a great addition to the desoldering tools now available by Hakko.  It’s a way we’ve helped increase efficiency and helped improve the overall user experience for the end user by listening to our customers needs. 


For additional information or to schedule a Demo of these products, visit us at or contact us at 1-800-88-HAKKO (42556) and at [email protected].



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